Easily measure student math skills with research-based, adaptive assessments

Let’s Go Learn’s diagnostic math assessments from SkyLearn thoroughly evaluate each student’s mathematical understanding from K-7 foundational skill through Pre-Algebra and Algebra. By employing revolutionary adaptive logic, these assessments maximize the information obtained about each student while minimizing test-taking time and anxiety. The granular data captured throughout every assessment provides educators with a comprehensive picture of each learner’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as a prescriptive path for personalized learning.

Access insightful, objective reports to plan your learning initiatives

The age-appropriate assessment interfaces in Let’s Go Learn assessments from SkyLearn engage learners and make test ing more fun and relevant. The platform’s adaptive technology was designed to accurately determine mastery or non-mas tery at the skill level. This means the assessment results can legitimately adjust content difficulty in our online instruction as well as accurately prescribe the next skills for each student

Employ next-generation assessment technology to ensure accurate results

This web-based platform allows school or district-wide deployment of assessments, leading to dramatic math score improvement, enriched math programs, and time and cost savings. Individual student and classroom reports are instantly available for teachers and administrators to inform small-group instruction, objectively share results with parents and prescribe home activities, and easily deliver accurate measures of student progress and standards achievement to schools and districts.