Objective, individualized assessment data for foundational reading skills

ELA assessments diagnostically evaluate each student’s reading abilities while providing the highest level of reliability and accuracy. By employing revolutionary adaptive logic, Let’s Go Learn’s assessments from SkyLearn maximize the information obtained about each student while minimiz ing test-taking time and anxiety. The granular data captured throughout every assessment provides educators with a comprehensive and actionable picture of each learner.

Ensure reading assessments are adaptive, accurate, and actionable

Our age-appropriate assessment interfaces engage learners and make testing more fun and relevant. The platform’s adaptive technology intelligently decides which specific skills will be tested for each student. Based on individual student performance during the assessment, the platform dynamically adjusts content difficulty, item selection, and construct selection. These adaptations allow each assessment to measure a wide range of student abilities efficiently and accurately.

Instantly report on progress and standards achievement

This web-based platform offers easy assessment deployment, providing teachers with the knowledge to dramatically increase individual reading skills, while saving time and paperwork. The platform is ideal for automating the diagnostic assessment process, which is often paper-based and labor-intensive. Individual student and classroom reports are instantly available for teachers and administrators to guide small group instruction, objectively share results with parents and prescribe home activities, and easily deliver accurate measures of student progress and standards achievement to schools and districts.